With constant responsibilities such as schooling, going to work, and taking care of kids, it is a wonder that some people even have the time to sleep. There are 24 hours in each day, and this fact is unchangeable. However, what can be changed is a person’s approach to managing their time. Running errands and managing a household may seem to leave no time for a person to immerse themselves in their passions. Having hobbies can be very therapeutic and add a sense of fulfillment into a person’s life. Whether it be volunteering, painting, or playing a sport, everyone should make time for what they’re passionate about. Here are a few ways to delegate time to one’s passions:

Utilize Any Free Time
A lot of time passes where people aren’t really doing anything. For example, waiting at the doctor’s office, waiting in line at the supermarket, or even having a lunch break at work are all opportunities a person can take advantage of. During these moments, a person can brainstorm ideas or draft lists of things they may need to do their hobby. While waiting or having some downtime, a person can look through catalogs or make calls and find workshops on their passions.

Making a to-do list is very beneficial for time management. Lists help organize one’s daily activities and add structure to a person’s life. People should always prioritize their passions and hobbies, especially if those passions correlate to one’s self-actualization. This is good for peoples’ emotional and mental well-being.

Be Honest with Yourself
Sometimes people begin hobbies because it’s a trend or because they want to please the people in their lives. People are not meant to live their lives for others, so it’s essential to do things because a person genuinely feels inclined to do it. When it comes to loved ones, almost everyone wants to make their family and friends proud. However, people shouldn’t lie to themselves in the process by neglecting their own personal fulfillment.

Ask for Help
Asking for help will free up a lot of time. Some people feel like they have to take on all the responsibilities by themselves and have trouble asking for help. Receiving help frees up more time for one to invest in other activities that facilitate their genuine happiness.